joining() method in Java 8 Collectors API

In this article, we will learn the use of joining() method in Java 8 Collectors API with the help of examples.


The joining() method of the Collectors class is used to join a series of Characters or Strings into a single String object. The Characters or Strings will be concatenated in the same order as it is provided.

Overloaded methods

The joining() method is overloaded in 3 ways:

  • static Collector joining()
  • static Collector joining(CharSequence delimiter)
  • static Collector joining(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence suffix)

static Collector joining()

This method returns a Collector that concatenates or joins the input elements into a String. The joining() method will maintain the order of the input elements. This is the simplest form of joining.

Example 1: We will join the names from a list of Persons

package com.getinputs;

public class Person {

    String name;
    int age;

    Person(String name, int age)

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public String toString() {
        return "Person{" +
                "name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", age=" + age +

package com.getinputs;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Joining {

    static List<Person> createPeople()
        List<Person> list = new ArrayList<>();

        list.add(new Person("Suraj ", 32));
        list.add(new Person("Iqbal ", 34));
        list.add(new Person("Suchit ", 25));
        list.add(new Person("Amar ", 30));
        list.add(new Person("Kartik ", 32));

        return list;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Person> list = createPeople();

        String str = -> person.getName()).collect(Collectors.joining());


Output : Suraj Iqbal Suchit Amar Kartik 

Example 2: We will join the array of Characters to create a String

JoiningChars .java

package com.getinputs;


public class JoiningChars {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		char[] chars = {'g','e','t','i','n','p','u','t','s','.','c','o','m'};
		String str = Stream.of(chars)

Output :

static Collector joining(CharSequence delimiter)

This method returns a Collector that concatenates or joins the input elements into a String using a delimiter. The joining() method will maintain the order of the input elements.

Note* delimiter is a symbol or char sequence to join the elements.

Example 1: We will join the names from a list of Persons using a comma delimiter.

package com.getinputs;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Joining {

    static List<Person> createPeople()
        List<Person> list = new ArrayList<>();

        list.add(new Person("Suraj", 32));
        list.add(new Person("Iqbal", 34));
        list.add(new Person("Suchit", 25));
        list.add(new Person("Amar", 30));
        list.add(new Person("Kartik", 32));

        return list;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Person> list = createPeople();

        String str = -> person.getName()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));


Output: Suraj,Iqbal,Suchit,Amar,Kartik

Example 2: We will join the list of String with a comma delimiter

JoiningStrings .java

package com.getinputs;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class JoiningStrings {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<String> list = Arrays.asList("hello", "getinputs", "com");
		String str =","));

Output: hello,getinputs,com

static Collector joining(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence suffix)

This method returns a Collector that concatenates or joins the input elements into a String using a delimiter along with a prefix and a suffix.

  • The delimiter is a symbol to join the elements
  • A prefix is a symbol that we will append at the start of the first element
  • A suffix is a symbol that we will append after the last element of the string

Example 1: We will join the names from a list of Persons using a comma delimiter and add square brackets at the start and end of the String.

Joining .java

package com.getinputs;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Joining {

    static List<Person> createPeople()
        List<Person> list = new ArrayList<>();

        list.add(new Person("Suraj", 32));
        list.add(new Person("Iqbal", 34));
        list.add(new Person("Suchit", 25));
        list.add(new Person("Amar", 30));
        list.add(new Person("Kartik", 32));

        return list;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Person> list = createPeople();

        String str = -> person.getName()).collect(Collectors.joining(",", "[", "]"));


Output : [Suraj,Iqbal,Suchit,Amar,Kartik]

Example 2: We will join the list of String using a comma delimiter and add braces at the start and end of the String

JoiningStrings .java

package com.getinputs;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class JoiningStrings {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<String> list = Arrays.asList("hello", "getinputs", "com");
		String str =",", "{", "}"));

Output : {hello,getinputs,com}

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